Join the Chorus of Westerly
With programs for people of all ages and abilities, there is a spot for everyone in
the Chorus of Westerly community!
If you want to join the Children's Program, the Symphonic Chorus, or the Foundations Chorus program,
email or call 401-596-8663.

Prospective Children and Teenage Singers
The Chorus of Westerly has always had children actively singing with its main performance ensemble on all concerts of its symphonic and Pops season. Giving children and teenagers the opportunity to sing demanding music in professional settings was one of our organization's founding principles.
Children and teenagers, ages 8 to 17 (and 18-year-olds still in high school) may audition and join the Chorus. The child or teen, with a parent/guardian will set up an appointment with music director, Andrew Howell. The audition location is at Kent Hall (119 High Street, Westerly). The parent or guardian will be in the room for the audition. The audition is very simple, informal, and relaxed and will be held with Andrew Howell. Your child or teen is not expected to have musical training or be able to read music or even yet "know how to sing" - it is our job to train them. Therefore, there is no need to prepare anything in advance.
The purpose of the audition is so Mr. Howell can learn about your child's voice, pitch matching and tonal memory, and to assess your child's musical background. He will do all of this by having your child engage in some simple vocal exercises. This will allow him to place your child at the appropriate Chorister training level when they begin with the group (at a pace and level appropriate for them to succeed!).
Following the audition, Mr. Howell will talk with you about the Children's Program and how your family will begin with us. He will also explain the commitments for all singers to you and answer any questions you might have.
Prospective Adult Singers (Ages 18+)
The Chorus of Westerly is always happy to hear from new adult singers who would like to be a part of our main symphonic performance chorus which prepares and presents all our symphonic concerts, a cappella concerts, and Pops concerts, as part of our concert season. Adults must audition for this ensemble.
For those interested, please contact the office (see above) to schedule an audition appointment with Andrew Howell. The audition process for new adult singers involves singing prepared pieces and vocal exercises with Mr. Howell.
Adult Audition Components:
1. Prepared aria, song, or choral excerpt of your choice (bring a copy for you and Mr. Howell)
2. Prepared except from one of these four pieces:
Schubert selection, Handel selection, Vaughan Williams selection, or Brahms selection
You will need to sing your voice part while accompaniment is played. Click the links above to download the music. If you have difficulties, please call or email the office via the contact information listed above.
3. Sight Reading Exercises
Mr. Howell will inform you if you have passed your audition or not after it concludes. If you have passed the audition, he will review with you membership dues, membership requirements for rehearsal and schedule, and provide you registration information. If you have questions about any of this, you can email him at or call the number above.
More information about the Symphonic Chorus can be found via the button below.
Prospective Adult Singers (Ages 18+):
In February of 2020, the Chorus of Westerly launched a non-auditioned ensemble called the Foundations Chorus. This ensemble is for individuals of any ability or experience level who want to make music in a supportive community. Learn more about Foundations by clicking the button below.
To join the Foundations Chorus, please email or call 401-596-8663.